Demon Hunting and Tenth Dimensional Physics: A Plea

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Plea

Come on in and get yourself a cup of coffee. I think we need to have a talk.

It's okay. Don't be shy. And don't be scared. But this is a talk that we need to have. Right now. It's about something kind of important.

It's about you. It's about being a full you, a happy, complete you. And, to do that, you need to find yourself a creative outlet.

Now, let's skip all the resistance and the whining and complaining. Because I'm write. Everyone has a creative outlet. You may not realize it, but you do. Singing, dancing, writing, drawing, sculpting, painting, welding, jewelry making. These are all creative things, things that pull from a deeper part of your soul.

When was the last time that you sat down with that deeper part of your soul, though? When was the last time you two had a good hug and ate a whole Whitman sampler? Maybe it was yesterday. Maybe you do it a lot. If so, you're free to skip off into the daisies with my blessings.

If not... well, have a cookie. You need to stick around.

You see, it doesn't take much. Just give that creative bit a little room to breathe. Every day. I mean it. Fifteen minutes every day, at least. More when you can afford it. I want you to commit to that. Fifteen minutes straight. Not fifteen minutes spread over five commercial breaks, or fifteen minutes when you go to the bathroom throughout the day.

It's not a lot, but it's vital. Because that part, no matter how much neglect you throw upon it, won't die, and won't be silent. And, when you're eighty and you finally 'have time' to create, to feed the part of you longing to spread its wings and embrace the glory of the universe, when you actually focus on that... you have to dig it out. It might not be dead, but it's going to be weak, and you'll realize that you don't have time to nurse it back to health. That maybe, if you'd played with it just a touch, just enough to let it know you cared, you wouldn't be here now. Because you won't regret not having worked more, or missing the winner of American Idol Season 78 1/2. You'll regret not doing what you loved. What you still love.

So please, for yourself, find a way to create. If you're reading this, promise me that you'll start a blog, or keep a journal, or grab a sketch book. Set up a YouTube account and sing or act or make cartoons. Do something for that creative part of your soul.




Unknown said...

Thank you for this. Especially this time of year with all of the expectations surroundings the holidays, there is precious little time left to be creative. It has always been a struggle for me to carve out space for myself. But the time is right to do it.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this. Especially this time of year with all of the expectations surroundings the holidays, there is precious little time left to be creative. It has always been a struggle for me to carve out space for myself. But the time is right to do it.

StratPlayerCJF said...

Great thoughts and I absolutely, wholeheartedly agree!!!

I write, blog, play guitar, record music, dabble in photography, and would probably be a sniveling, psychopathic mess if I didn't have those outlets.

The act of creation, no matter how small, is a fundamental need. It adds joy and purpose to our lives, creates empathy and understanding of those around us, engenders community, and links us to the divine act of the creation of the universe and each and every particle in it.

Again -- great post!!!

***grabs a cookie and scampers off to the daisies***