Demon Hunting and Tenth Dimensional Physics: New Anthology: Alternative Truths

Friday, April 28, 2017

New Anthology: Alternative Truths

You may have heard about the 45th President of the United States a couple times.


It's possible.

Well, so did a bunch of authors. A bunch of authors who wanted to do something about... that whole thing. But what the hell were those authors to do?

They were to write, of course. Hence, Alternative Truths was born. 24 tales from authors who #standwithher.

24 glimpses into the potential futures, from the hopeful to the hopeless (Guess which one mine was? Hopeless. The answer's hopeless.).

"Nevertheless, she persisted," is our favorite slogan to come out of all this, and we do miss all those complete sentences. If you're lucky, you might even find a few in the stories.

Stand up. Resist. And get some great fiction all at the same time.

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