I like dinosaurs. I think everyone likes dinosaurs, and I
think anyone who says otherwise is lying, or just not thinking about it enough.
How cool is a triceratops, right?
Seriously, really think about it.
More than that, though, dinosaurs are fascinating
because…well, because they aren't here anymore. We can accept that they were
truly and completely massive. Powerful. Cool. They reigned for a long, long
time. And then they didn't. Dinosaurs
are a lens against our own mortality as humans.
Because right now, we're the dominant species. But tomorrow
our climate could take a massive shift and tardigrades would rule for the next
forty-thousand years. Which honestly, I think they're our current most likely
successor. Long-live our resilient overlords.
Now I'm an SF/F writer, so my brain has to wonder what we
don't know. How right and wrong were we about dinosaurs? Did they have palaces
and religion and, because we just don't understand, we assume they're stupid?
Probably not, but it's always a possibility, right?
So more than just a lens against our mortality and nearly
inevitable extinction, dinosaurs also
show us how little we really know.
So dinosaurs are cool…but I guess they're also kind of
dicks, bringing up all that stuff.
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