Demon Hunting and Tenth Dimensional Physics: Homemade Marshmallows

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Homemade Marshmallows

Yes, the campfires will soon be lit, the hot chocolate mixed, and the marshmallows roasted--the inaugural run of Camp NaNoWriMo is nearing its end. Around here, that means a camp party amongst our writing group--and that means s'mores--and that means I finally got to break out my recipe for marshmallows. I know, not writing related in an inherent matter, but I had to brag a little...

Also, let's take a small moment of silence. As of today, Chris Baty has announced that he's stepping down as the Executive of the Office of Letters and Light. The group that runs NaNoWriMo, Camp NaNoWriMo, and ScriptFrenzy is going to have a change of leadership come next NaNo season. He was quite a brilliant man and none of those events will be the same without him.

Back to writing--I finished yet another manuscript--and this one's actually science fiction. Yes, I finished it! It's sci-fi and I finished it without magic, so haha! To those that don't know, it's a real shocker for me to finish a full-length science fiction manuscript, especially in a month.

Now, I can't spill this last secret all the way, at least not in public, but I'll tell you that I'm working on something in the near future with Hall Bros. Entertainment--and not just a two sentence story. I can't say any more about it in good conscience--sorry =D

Peace out, ladies and sub-species,

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